Washing Hands

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内容创新 Content Innovation 创意阐述 Creative elaboration:冠状病毒疾病的突如其来让这个本来就不凡的一年更加特殊。它考验着我们彼此,让我们知道原来习以为常的方式是那么经不起推敲。由此,从个人卫生的角度出发,来表现冠状病毒疾病带给我们的改变,往往小事儿也关系着大局。洗手是我们生活中天天要经历的时间,但是这个时间你真的用对了吗?我们以时间为节点,一方面来告诉人们正确的洗手时间和方式,另一方面以夸张的方式来展现我们生活中洗手时间的有趣故事。画面由简单色块和图案组成,与生活中琐事形成对比突出重点,又与主题这个本该不繁琐的方式呼应起来。 The sudden arrival of covid-19 makes this extraordinary year more special. It tests each other and lets us know that the way we used to be can't stand scrutiny. Therefore, from the perspective of personal health, to show the changes brought by covid-19, often small things are also related to the overall situation. Hand washing is a time we have to experience every day in our life, but do you really use it right? We take time as a node, on the one hand, to tell people the right time and way to wash hands, on the other hand, to show the interesting story of washing hands in our life in an exaggerated way.The screen is composed of simple color blocks and patterns, which form a contrast with the trivial matters in life and highlight the key points, and echo with the theme, which should not be tedious.


