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残疾人的性需求经常被误解,导致他们对自己的身体感到性羞耻。但我们通过研究发现:如果身体某一部位机能丧失,其他部位会变得相对敏感。 所以杜蕾斯presents “Forget your body”,当人们购买杜蕾斯产品时,我们会随机附赠模拟体验残疾人性生活的道具,旨在消除人们误解的同时,也让残疾人为性骄傲。 The sexual needs of people with disabilities are often misunderstood, leading to sexual shame on their bodies. But through research we found that if one part of the body loses function, the other parts will become relatively sensitive. So Durex presents "Forget your body". When people buy Durex products, we will randomly provide props to simulate the sexual life of the disabled. It aims to eliminate misunderstandings and make disabled persons proud of their sex.

我们从奥运性报道中发现往届主办方统一发放给奥运村的避孕套仅有奥运会logo,这对于残疾运动员是不公平的,并且违背了奥林匹克“公平、公正、平等、自由”的精神。 所以杜蕾斯presents “Sex is parallel”,打造了一款印有双面logo的避孕套,这是一场史无前例的挑战。这项运动旨在提高残疾人在性爱领域的代表权,并鼓励人们争取平等。 From the Olympic sex reports, we found that the condoms used by previous organizers for Olympic Village athletes only print with Olympic logo, which is unequal for Paralympic athletes and violated the Olympic spirit of "fairness, justice, equality, and freedom". So Durex presents "Sex is parallel" and designed a condom with a double-sided logo, which is an unprecedented challenge. The campaign aims to improve the sex representation of people with disabilities and encourage people to fight for equality.

疫情期间,安全的社交距离应该保持在6英尺以上。但我们发现很多人依然没有遵守这一建议,包括品牌的logo…所以我们联合知名报刊,首次改变报纸版式结构,将品牌logo真正拆分,推出#real6feet campaign。我们希望在提醒人们保持安全距离的同时,体验真实的趣味。 During the epidemic, the safe social distance should be kept above 6 feet. But we found that many people still didn’t follow this advice, including the brands’ logos...So we united well-known newspapers to change the layout structure for the first time, and actually split the brand logo, launched #real6feet campaign. We hope to experience real fun while reminding people to maintain safe distance.


